GRASS - Greylag geese as a model for animal social systems
Modulation of circannual behavioural and foraging patterns by social factors: the Greylag goose (Anser anser) as a model
Project Details
Principal Investigator Dr. Didone Frigerio
Funding OeAD – Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research
Programme Sparkling Science, 6th Call (2016)
Project Duration 01.09.2017 – 31.12.2019
Project Number SPA-06/155
Research Objective
Social conflicts are among the strongest stress factors for group-living vertebrates - they modulate physiology, behaviour, reproduction and the immune system of an individual. The main research objective of this project is the investigation of the relationships between activity patterns, digestive efficiency and social behaviour, i.e. the complex modulation of biological rhythms by the social status in a highly social and long-lived vertebrate, the greylag goose.
Research Questions
How does the social environment influence the seasonal activity patterns, as well as the digestive efficiency in greylag geese of different social categories (e.g. paired / unpaired)?
Activity patterns are going to be recorded by using 3-axial accelerometers, which are carried by the greylag geese on the back. These patterns, together with information about the digestive efficiency will provide an integrative picture of the relationship between social environment and physiology and its effects on reproductive success.
Nine elementary school classes and one high school class are involved in the project. The task of the pupils is the regular monitoring of the time-space patterns of the greylag geese in the Cumberland Wildpark.
What happens to my data?
The raw data can only be viewed by project employees. The data will only be passed on to third parties anonymously and for scientific purposes. The project does not pursue any commercial goals. Personal data will be kept strictly confidential and will not be passed on to third parties.
Dott.Dr. Didone FRIGERIO Project leader and management
Mag. Gudrun GEGENDORFER Training and supervision of Citizen Scientists
Verena PÜHRINGER-STURMAYR, MSc specifically responsible for the Citizen Science part of the project, data evaluation and publication
Julia RITTENSCHOBER, BSc Training and supervision of Citizen Scientists
Georgine SZIPL, PhD Triaxial accelerometry, data collection, evaluation and publication
Cooperation Partners
1.1. Participating educational institutions:
Primary School Grünau im Almtal, OÖ
Primary School Mühldorf, Scharnstein, OÖ
Grammar School Körnerschule Linz, OÖ
1.2. Scientific cooperation partners:
Pädagogische Hochschule Oberösterreich
Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge
1.3. Partners from economy and society:
Dr. Didone Frigerio
Phone: +43 (0) 7616 8510
Email: didone.frigerio[at]
Email KLF: office.klf[at]