Prof. Dr. Thomas Bugnyar
Vice Head
Head of Research Group "Corvid Lab"
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Petra Sumasgutner
Picture: Daniela Matejschek
Privatdozentin Dr. Didone Frigerio
Picture: D. Matejschek
Senior Scientist
Dr. Andrew Katsis
Dr. Lauren Common
Postdoctoral Researcher
Project: Replicate evolution in avian parasites during island invasion
Mag. Gudrun Gegendorfer
Picture: Daniela Matejschek
Julia Rittenschober, MSc
Picture: Daniela Matejschek
PhD Candidates
Varalika Jain, MSc
Project title: Moving towards coexistence: understanding behavioural responses of eagles to human
Supervisor: Petra Sumasgutner
Alper Yelimlieş, BA
Project title: Linking song and personality in Darwin's tree finches
Supervisor: Sonia Kleindorfer
Silvia Damini, MSc
Project title: Interspecific interactions in the foraging context in ravens (Corvus corax)
Supervisor: Thomas Bugnyar
Co-Supervisor: Petra Sumasgutner
Jefferson Garcia Loor, BSc
Project title: Personality and home range size in Darwin's finches: effects of predator eradication and translocation
Supervisor: Sonia Kleindorfer
Awani Bapat, MSc
Project Title: The use of social information and strategies for social interactions by free-flying ravens.
Supervisor: Thomas Bugnyar
Master Candidates
Neve Barcat, Bsc
Project title: sounds emitted by ravens during SADs (self aggrandizing displays)
Supervisor: Thomas Bugnyar
Co-Supervisor: Silvia Damini, Anna Fabbri
Lara Howard, BSc
Project title:
Supervisors: Petra and Shane Sumasgutner
Sabrina Cighetti, BSc
Project title: emotional contagion and comfort behaviours in ravens (Corvus corax)
Supervisor: Thomas Bugnyar
Co-Supervisor: Silvia Damini
Maximilian Schwengel, BSc
Project title: Which factors affect the variation in calling in corvus corax? Do calls change in base of social / foraging environment?
Supervisor: Thomas Bugnyar
Co-Supervisor: Silvia Damini
Isabella Graßmann, BSc
Project title:
Supervisor: Petra Sumasgutner
Gregory Nikolopoulos, BSc
Project title: The role of raven communication on foraging
Supervisor: Thomas Bugnyar
Marie Ossola, BSc
Project title
Supervisor: Petra Sumasgutner
Evi Ulm, BSc.
Project title: Breeding ecology of secondary cavity breeders
Supervisor: Didone Frigerio
Amit Kumar, BSc
Project title: The impact of traffic noise on the heart rate in Great tits
Supervisor: Sonia Kleindorfer
Alina Döhring, BSc
Project title: Mirror trials in Greylag Geese: Personality and object permanence
Supervisor: Sonia Kleindorfer
Co-Supervisor: Didone Frigerio
Mariia Klymenko, Dipl.Tzt.
Project title: Components of relationship quality in greylag geese monogamous pair bonds
Supervisor: Sonia Kleindorfer
Barbara Steininger, BSc
Project title: Social integration of hand-raised greylag geese (Anser anser)
Supervisor: Didone Frigerio
Co-Supervisor: Sonia Kleindorfer
Lena Cantele
Felix Kirnbauer
Social Services
Raphael Gärtner
Associated Scientists
Picture: D. Matejschek
Dr. Josef Hemetsberger
Biodiversity Project, University of Vienna
Prof. Dr. Kurt Kotrschal
Wolf Science Center, University of Veterinary Medicine (Vienna)
University of Vienna
Prof. Dott. Leonida Fusani, MPhil PhD
Department of Cognitive Biology, University of Vienna
Dr. Birgit Fessl
Coordinator of the Galapagos Land Bird Conservation Plan
SURLEMONT, M. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2025)
BONTE, E. | University of Padua (Master thesis, 2024)
ERNSTEN, R. | Wageningen University (Master thesis, 2024)
CASTELLAZZI, F. | Wageningen University (Master thesis, 2024)
GÖTZ, R. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2024)
PLODERER, J. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2024)
PAETOW DE JESUS, I. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2024)
GEHBAUER, M. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2024)
BACHMANN, S. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2024)
REICHEBNER, M. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2024)
LESIGANG, J. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2024)
WEBER, J. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2024)
BOLD, A. | University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (Master thesis, 2024)
SCHORN, J. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2024)
LIND, E.| University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2024)
LAUFFER, J. University of Greifswald (Master thesis, 2023)
LINDEMAN, A. | Wageningen University (Master thesis, 2023)
KREIKENBOHM, R. | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (Master thesis, 2023)
HORLEBEIN, S. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2023)
BERNATOVIC, G. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2023)
RUF, A. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2023)
SCHÖN, M. | University of Huddersfield and University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2022)
VOGEL, T. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2022)
WERDERITSCH, S. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2022)
PÜHRINGER-STURMAYR, V. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2022)
FABBRI, A. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2022)
GALLEGO-ABENZA, M. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2022)
MENTHONNEX, T. | Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté (Master thesis, 2022)
HUGE, A. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2022)
NILLES, T. | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (Master thesis, 2022)
FRIRY, S. | University of Lille (Master thesis, 2022)
FELKER, L. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2022)
KÖRMER, E.-M. | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (Master thesis, 2022)
WEINHÄUPL, V. | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (Master thesis, 2022)
HEGER, B. | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (Master thesis, 2022)
COMIN, V.N. | University of Padova (Master thesis, 2022)
MURARI, G. | University of Turin (Master thesis, 2022)
GUGGENBERGER, M. | University of Tübingen (Master thesis, 2021)
JAIN, V. | University of Cape Town (Master thesis, 2021)
HOCHLEITNER, L. | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (Master thesis, 2021)
ARBEITHUBER, K. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2021)
GATTRINGER, J. | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (Master thesis, 2021)
HUCHLER, K. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2020)
RIBELLI, F. | University of Turin (Master thesis, 2020)
SCHIRZ, K. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2020)
WEMER, L. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2019)
BOEKELMAN, F.E. | University of Groningen (Master thesis, 2019)
JUNGHEIM, S. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2019)
STEINBACHER, C. | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (Master thesis, 2019)
CZERNY, T. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2018)
DEPENAU, M. | University of Osnabrück (Master thesis, 2018)
POKRIEFKE, M. | (Bachelor thesis, 2018)
BÖHM, F. | University of Greifswald (Master thesis, 2017)
HERZHAUSER, K. | University of Köln (Bachelor thesis, 2017)
SZIPL, G. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2017)
LORETTO, M.-C. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2016)
REIMANN, S. | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (Master thesis, 2015)
KREJCI, J. | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (Master thesis, 2015)
SCHÜSSLER, M. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2014)
STIVAL, L. | University of Udine (Diploma Thesis, 2014)
WILLER, J. | University of Berlin (Diploma Thesis, 2014)
BAUER, A.C. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2013)
BLOCK, S.A. | University of Tübingen (Diploma Thesis, 2013)
ELSÄSSER, O. | University of Tübingen (Diploma Thesis, 2013)
EDER, C. | University of Graz (Diploma Thesis, 2012)
IONESCU, S.A. | University of Tübingen (Diploma Thesis, 2012)
MIKOLASCH, S. | (Dissertation, 2012)
VIBLANC, V.A. | University of Strasbourg (Dissertation, 2011)
WEDL, M. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2011)
AUER, M. | University of Graz (Diploma Thesis, 2010)
BRUST, V. | University of Osnabrück (Diploma Thesis, 2010)
HOHNSTEIN, A. | University of Berlin (Diploma Thesis, 2010)
KEHMEIER, S. | University of Hamburg (Diploma Thesis, 2010)
KRALJ FISER, S. | University of Ljubljana (Dissertation, 2009)
KUBITZA, R. | University of Osnabrück (Diploma Thesis, 2009)
MÖSLINGER, H. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2009)
SCHÖBERL, G. I. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2009)
WASCHER, C. A. F. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2009)
HINNERICHS, C. | University of Potsdam (Dissertation, 2008)
KAUFMANN, G. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2008)
SCHLÖGL, H. C. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2008)
SCHWAB, C. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2008)
SZIPL, G. | University of Hamburg (Diploma Thesis, 2008)
GATTERMAYR, M. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2007)
STÖWE, M. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2007)
BRAUN, A. | University of Kiel (Diploma Thesis, 2006)
MASON, F. | University of Udine (Bachelor Thesis, 2006)
PISA, P. E. | University of Trieste (Bachelor Thesis, 2006)
SWOBODA, R. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2006)
WEDL, M. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2006)
BONECHI, B. | University of Triest (Bachelor Thesis, 2005)
DOPPELSTEIN, K. | University of Rostock & University of Leipzig (Diploma Thesis, 2005)
SCHEIBLER, E. | University of Halle(Dissertation, 2005)
SCHLÖGL, C. | University of Bayreuth (Diploma Thesis, 2005)
WASCHER, C.A.F. | University of Graz (Diploma Thesis, 2005)
DORN, S. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2004)
EISING, C. | University of Groningen (Dissertation, 2004)
KIRNBAUER, M. | University of Graz (Diploma Thesis, 2004)
MÜLLER, W. | University of Groningen (Dissertation, 2004)
NAAR, L. | University of Graz (Diploma Thesis, 2004)
SCHWAB, C. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2004)
SELVA, N. | University of Sevilla (Dissertation, 2004)
ZOHMANN, M. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2004)
CARERE, C. | University of Groningen (Dissertation, 2003)
DINGEMANSE, N. J. | University of Groningen (Dissertation, 2003)
ENGLÄNDER, W. | University of Salzburg (Dissertation, 2003)
KREUTZMANN, B. | University of Halle (Dissertation, 2003)
MESSMER, C. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 2003)
SCHNASE, A. | University of Düsseldorf (Dissertation, 2003)
VAN OERS, K. | University of Groningen (Dissertation, 2003)
FRIGERIO, D. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2002)
HAUHART, B. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2002)
HEMETSBERGER, J. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2002)
HOFFMANN, I. E. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2002)
LEITENBERGER, A. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2002)
LUDWIG, B. | University of Marburg (Diploma Thesis, 2002)
MERAN, I. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2002)
SANDERS, B. | University of Würzburg (Diploma Thesis, 2002)
SPIELAUER, E. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2002)
BYRNE, R. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2001)
GEISBAUER, G. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2001)
ORTBAUER, B. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2001)
AUST, U. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2000)
BAYER, S. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 2000)
BUGNYAR, T. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2000)
FRITZ, J. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2000)
NOWOTNY, R. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2000)
PFEFFER, K. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 2000)
PRASCHBERGER, M. C. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2000)
STÖWE, M. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2000)
TINTNER, A. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2000)
VÖLKL, B. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2000)
WEISS, B. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2000)
HIRSCHENHAUSER, K. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 1998)
MACHATSCHKE, I. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 1998)
SZEDLARIK, C. M. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 1998)
ZISSER, B. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 1998)
JAHN, R. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 1997)
LOONEN, M.J.J.E. | University of Groningen (Dissertation, 1997)
SCHINDLER, M. | University of Munich (Dissertation, 1997)
TUCKOVA, K. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 1997)
FRITZ, J. | University of Innsbruck (Diploma Thesis, 1996)
GRIEBEL, U. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 1996)
HAMMER, G. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 1996)
KABICHER, G. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 1996)
LANGENHORST, T. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 1996)
BODNER, M. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 1995)
BUGNYAR, T. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 1995)
HAGINGER, H. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 1995)
HIRSCHENHAUSER, K. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 1995)
IMHOF, M. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 1995)
JÜTTE, A. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 1995)
KNOLLEISEN, M. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 1995)
PFISTER-GFELLER, U. | University of Bern (Dissertation, 1995)
DRACK, G. | University of Salzburg (Dissertation, 1994)
ESSLER, H. | University of Salzburg (Dissertation, 1994)
FISCHER, B. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 1994)
KICKERT, J. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 1994)
LINDNER, R. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 1994)
DRACK, G. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 1991)
GROOTHUIS, T. | University of Groningen (Dissertation, 1989)
GUBLER, H. | (Dissertation, 1989)
GUBLER, H. | University of Zürich (Dissertation, 1989)
SCHMITT, A. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 1988)
BRANDSTÄTTER, R. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 1987)
HUBER, R. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 1985)
TEN THOREN, A. | University of Osnabrück (Diploma Thesis, 1985)
SCHINDLER, M. | University of Munich (Diploma Thesis, 1984)
TEN THOREN, B. | University of Osnabrück (Diploma Thesis, 1984)
SONTAG, W. A. | University of Mainz (Dissertation, 1983)
MARTYS, M. | University of Salzburg (Dissertation, 1982)
BACON, P. J. | University of Oxford (Dissertation, 1980)
WALTHER, C. | University of Hohenheim (Diploma Thesis, 1980)
RUMMEL, L. H. | University of Maryland (Diploma Thesis, 1979)
RUMMEL, L.H. | University of Maryland (Diploma Thesis, 1979)
SCOTT, D. K. | University of Cambridge (Dissertation, 1978)
BAKHUS,W. L. | University of Gorningen (Dissertation, 1977)
KIRCHMAYER, B. | University of Munich (Diploma Thesis, 1977)
SCHMIDT, W. | University of Düsseldorf (Dissertation, 1975)
MERGLER, M. A. L. | University of Ohio (Diploma Thesis, 1974)
SCHÄFER, S. | University of Giessen (Diploma Thesis, 1972)
BÖTTGER, H. | University of Munich (Diploma Thesis, 1971)
FEEKES, F. | University of Groningen (Dissertation, 1971)