
Prof. Dr. Sonia Kleindorfer

woman sitting on a big stone, goose inthe background

Picture: Brandstätter

Prof. Dr. Thomas Bugnyar

Vice Head

Head of Research Group "Corvid Lab"

Current Head of the Department of Cognitive Biology

Email: thomas.bugnyar[at]

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Petra Sumasgutner

Picture: Daniela Matejschek

Vice Head

Start recipient

Project: Acceleration for Food

Email: petra.sumasgutner[at]

Privatdozentin Dr. Didone Frigerio

portrait of a woman

Picture: D. Matejschek

Senior Scientist

Email: didone.frigerio[at]

Dr. Andrew Katsis

Postdoctoral Researcher

Project: Avian personality traits


Dr. Lauren Common

young woman with a hat, songbird sits on her hat

Postdoctoral Researcher

Project: Replicate evolution in avian parasites during island invasion


Mag. Gudrun Gegendorfer

Picture: Daniela Matejschek



Julia Rittenschober, MSc

Picture: Daniela Matejschek



PhD Candidates

female scientist with a golden eagle being banded

Varalika Jain, MSc

Project title: Moving towards coexistence: understanding behavioural responses of eagles to human

Supervisor: Petra Sumasgutner


Alper Yelimlieş, BA

Project title: Linking song and personality in Darwin's tree finches

Supervisor: Sonia Kleindorfer




Anna Fabbri, MSc

Project title: Pair bond formation and maintenance in ravens and crows

Supervisors: Thomas Bugnyar, Leonida Fusani




Silvia Damini, MSc

Project title: Interspecific interactions in the foraging context in ravens (Corvus corax)

Supervisor: Thomas Bugnyar
Co-Supervisor: Petra Sumasgutner




Jefferson Garcia Loor, BSc

Project title: Personality and home range size in Darwin's finches: effects of predator eradication and translocation 

Supervisor: Sonia Kleindorfer


Awani Bapat, MSc

Project Title: The use of social information and strategies for social interactions by free-flying ravens.

Supervisor: Thomas Bugnyar


Master Candidates

portrait of a young woman

Rosmarijn Ernsten, BSc

Project title: Monitoring of the common Sandpipers at the pebble shores along the alm river

Supervisor: Sonia Kleindorfer
Co-Supervisor: Shane Sumasgutner

woman holding a gosling in hand

Danyang Shi, BSc

Project title: The ontogeny of agonistic behavior and aggression in greylag geese goslings

Supervisor: Sonia Kleindorfer, Andrew Katsis

Portrait of a young man

Amit Kumar, BSc

Project title: The impact of traffic noise on the heart rate in Great tits

Supervisor: Sonia Kleindorfer

young man with a falcon on the hand



Edoardo Bonte, BSc

Project title: The impact of traffic noise on parental care in Great tits

Supervisor: Didone Frigerio

young woman with songbird in hand

Francesca Castellazzi, BSc

Project title: The impact of traffic noise on begging behavior in Great tits

Supervisor: Sonia Kleindorfer



Young man with binoculars inthe mountains

Martin Reichebner, BSc

Project title: Movement Ecology of Nankeen kestres in South Australia

Supervisor: Petra Sumasgutner

young woman with raven sitting on her arm

Rita Götz, BSc.

Project title: Does relationship quality affect cooperation in common raven (Corvus corax) pairs during the breeding season?

Supervisors: Thomas Bugnyar, Jim McGetrick

Young man with a bird sitting on his shoulder

Bram van Beek, Bsc

Project title: How does social context and the strength of relationships affect solving a string-pulling task in free-flying common ravens (Corvus corax)

Supervisors: Thomas Bugnyar, Jim McGetrick

Ilona Koskela, BSc.

Project title: Coordination and benefits of bonding in non-breeder ravens

Supervisor: Thomas Bugnyar

Porträt junger Mann

Jonas Lesigang, MSc

Project title: Function and individuality of different call types in greylag geese

Supervisor: Sonia Kleindorfer
Co-Supervisor: Andrew Katsis, Alper Yelimlies



Young Woman standing in front of mountain landscape

Alina Döhring, BSc

Project title: Mirror trials in Greylag Geese: Personality and object permanence

Supervisor: Sonia Kleindorfer
Co-Supervisor: Didone Frigerio

Woman and two greylag geeese next to her

Mariia Klymenko, Dipl.Tzt.

Project title: Components of relationship quality in greylag geese monogamous pair bonds

Supervisor: Sonia Kleindorfer



Irai Paetow de Jesus, BSc

Project title: Are Greylag Geese (Anser anser) able to visually discriminate when presented with pictures of conspecifics?”

Supervisor: Sonia Kleindorfer

Young male Scientist in the darkness, wearing a headlamp and holding an owl

Johannes Ploderer, BSc

Project title: Personality and home range use in Galapagos short-eared owls (Asio flammeus ssp. Galapagoensis)

Supervisor: Sonia Kleindorfer
Co-Supervisor: Petra Sumasgutner

Barbara Steininger, BSc

Project title: Social integration of hand-raised greylag geese (Anser anser)

Supervisor: Didone Frigerio
Co-Supervisor: Sonia Kleindorfer


young woman with greylag geese in the background

Caitlin Adams




Young man with songbird in hand


Antoine Vansse

girl with one bird sitting on top of her head and one on her shoulder

Kaja Mobbs

Student Assistant

Junge Frau mit Mütze, in Hocke, 2 Graugänse neben ihr

Mariia Klymenko, Dipl.Tzt.

Associated Scientists

portrait of a man

Picture: D. Matejschek

Dr. Josef Hemetsberger

Biodiversity Project, University of Vienna




Prof. Dr. Kurt Kotrschal

Wolf Science Center, University of Veterinary Medicine (Vienna)

University of Vienna

Email: kurt.kotrschal[at]

Prof. Dott. Leonida Fusani, MPhil PhD

Department of Cognitive Biology, University of Vienna

Email: leonida.fusani[at]

portrait of a man

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Jorg Massen

Utrecht University


Dr. Shane Sumasgutner

Email: shane.mcpherson[at]

portrait of a woman wearing a leather hat

Dr. Rachael Dudaniec

Macquarie University, Sidney



BOLD, A. | University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (Master thesis, 2024)

SCHORN, J. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2024)

LIND, E.| University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2024)

LINDEMAN, A. | Wageningen University (Master thesis, 2023)

KREIKENBOHM, R. | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (Master thesis, 2023)

HORLEBEIN, S. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2023)

BERNATOVIC, G. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2023)

RUF, A. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2023)

VOGEL, T. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2022)

WERDERITSCH, S. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2022)

PÜHRINGER-STURMAYR, V. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2022)

FABBRI, A. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2022)

GALLEGO-ABENZA, M. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2022)

MENTHONNEX, T. | Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté (Master thesis, 2022)

HUGE, A. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2022)

NILLES, T. | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (Master thesis, 2022)

FRIRY, S. | University of Lille (Master thesis, 2022)

FELKER, L. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2022)

KÖRMER, E.-M. | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (Master thesis, 2022)

WEINHÄUPL, V. | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (Master thesis, 2022)

HEGER, B. | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (Master thesis, 2022)

COMIN, V.N. | University of Padova (Master thesis, 2022)

MURARI, G. | University of Turin (Master thesis, 2022)

GUGGENBERGER, M. | University of Tübingen (Master thesis, 2021)

JAIN, V. | University of Cape Town (Master thesis, 2021)

HOCHLEITNER, L. | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (Master thesis, 2021)

ARBEITHUBER, K. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2021)

GATTRINGER, J. | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (Master thesis, 2021)

HUCHLER, K. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2020)

RIBELLI, F. | University of Turin (Master thesis, 2020)

SCHIRZ, K. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2020)

WEMER, L. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2019)

BOEKELMAN, F.E. | University of Groningen (Master thesis, 2019)

JUNGHEIM, S. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2019)

STEINBACHER, C. | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (Master thesis, 2019)

CZERNY, T. | University of Vienna (Master thesis, 2018)

DEPENAU, M. | University of Osnabrück (Master thesis, 2018)

POKRIEFKE, M. | (Bachelor thesis, 2018)

BÖHM, F. | University of Greifswald (Master thesis, 2017)

HERZHAUSER, K. | University of Köln (Bachelor thesis, 2017)

SZIPL, G. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2017)

LORETTO, M.-C. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2016)

REIMANN, S. | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (Master thesis, 2015)

KREJCI, J. | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (Master thesis, 2015)

SCHÜSSLER, M. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2014)

STIVAL, L. | University of Udine (Diploma Thesis, 2014)

WILLER, J. | University of Berlin (Diploma Thesis, 2014)

BAUER, A.C. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2013)

BLOCK, S.A. | University of Tübingen (Diploma Thesis, 2013)

ELSÄSSER, O. | University of Tübingen (Diploma Thesis, 2013)

EDER, C. | University of Graz (Diploma Thesis, 2012)

IONESCU, S.A. | University of Tübingen (Diploma Thesis, 2012)

MIKOLASCH, S. | (Dissertation, 2012)

VIBLANC, V.A. | University of Strasbourg (Dissertation, 2011)

WEDL, M. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2011)

AUER, M. | University of Graz (Diploma Thesis, 2010)

BRUST, V. | University of Osnabrück (Diploma Thesis, 2010)

HOHNSTEIN, A. | University of Berlin (Diploma Thesis, 2010)

KEHMEIER, S. | University of Hamburg (Diploma Thesis, 2010)

KRALJ FISER, S. | University of Ljubljana (Dissertation, 2009)

KUBITZA, R. | University of Osnabrück (Diploma Thesis, 2009)

MÖSLINGER, H. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2009)

SCHÖBERL, G. I. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2009)

WASCHER, C. A. F. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2009)

HINNERICHS, C. | University of Potsdam (Dissertation, 2008)

KAUFMANN, G. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2008)

SCHLÖGL, H. C. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2008)

SCHWAB, C. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2008)

SZIPL, G. | University of Hamburg (Diploma Thesis, 2008)

GATTERMAYR, M. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2007)

STÖWE, M. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2007)

BRAUN, A. | University of Kiel (Diploma Thesis, 2006)

MASON, F. | University of Udine (Bachelor Thesis, 2006)

PISA, P. E. | University of Trieste (Bachelor Thesis, 2006)

SWOBODA, R. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2006)

WEDL, M. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2006)

BONECHI, B. | University of Triest (Bachelor Thesis, 2005)

DOPPELSTEIN, K. | University of Rostock & University of Leipzig (Diploma Thesis, 2005)

SCHEIBLER, E. | University of Halle(Dissertation, 2005)

SCHLÖGL, C. | University of Bayreuth (Diploma Thesis, 2005)

WASCHER, C.A.F. | University of Graz (Diploma Thesis, 2005)

DORN, S. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2004)

EISING, C. | University of Groningen (Dissertation, 2004)

KIRNBAUER, M. | University of Graz (Diploma Thesis, 2004)

MÜLLER, W. | University of Groningen (Dissertation, 2004)

NAAR, L. | University of Graz (Diploma Thesis, 2004)

SCHWAB, C. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2004)

SELVA, N. | University of Sevilla (Dissertation, 2004)

ZOHMANN, M. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2004)

CARERE, C. | University of Groningen (Dissertation, 2003)

DINGEMANSE, N. J. | University of Groningen (Dissertation, 2003)

ENGLÄNDER, W. | University of Salzburg (Dissertation, 2003)

KREUTZMANN, B. | University of Halle (Dissertation, 2003)

MESSMER, C. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 2003)

SCHNASE, A. | University of Düsseldorf (Dissertation, 2003)

VAN OERS, K. | University of Groningen (Dissertation, 2003)

FRIGERIO, D. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2002)

HAUHART, B. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2002)

HEMETSBERGER, J. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2002)

HOFFMANN, I. E. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2002)

LEITENBERGER, A. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2002)

LUDWIG, B. | University of Marburg (Diploma Thesis, 2002)

MERAN, I. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2002)

SANDERS, B. | University of Würzburg (Diploma Thesis, 2002)

SPIELAUER, E. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2002)

BYRNE, R. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2001)

GEISBAUER, G. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2001)

ORTBAUER, B. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2001)

AUST, U. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2000)

BAYER, S. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 2000)

BUGNYAR, T. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2000)

FRITZ, J. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 2000)

NOWOTNY, R. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2000)

PFEFFER, K. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 2000)

PRASCHBERGER, M. C. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2000)

STÖWE, M. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2000)

TINTNER, A. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2000)

VÖLKL, B. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2000)

WEISS, B. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 2000)

HIRSCHENHAUSER, K. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 1998)

MACHATSCHKE, I. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 1998)

SZEDLARIK, C. M. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 1998)

ZISSER, B. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 1998)

JAHN, R. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 1997)

LOONEN, M.J.J.E. | University of Groningen (Dissertation, 1997)

SCHINDLER, M. | University of Munich (Dissertation, 1997)

TUCKOVA, K. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 1997)

FRITZ, J. | University of Innsbruck (Diploma Thesis, 1996)

GRIEBEL, U. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 1996)

HAMMER, G. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 1996)

KABICHER, G. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 1996)

LANGENHORST, T. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 1996)

BODNER, M. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 1995)

BUGNYAR, T. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 1995)

HAGINGER, H. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 1995)

HIRSCHENHAUSER, K. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 1995)

IMHOF, M. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 1995)

JÜTTE, A. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 1995)

KNOLLEISEN, M. | University of Vienna (Diploma Thesis, 1995)

PFISTER-GFELLER, U. | University of Bern (Dissertation, 1995)

DRACK, G. | University of Salzburg (Dissertation, 1994)

ESSLER, H. | University of Salzburg (Dissertation, 1994)

FISCHER, B. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 1994)

KICKERT, J. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 1994)

LINDNER, R. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 1994)

DRACK, G. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 1991)

GROOTHUIS, T. | University of Groningen (Dissertation, 1989)

GUBLER, H. | (Dissertation, 1989)

GUBLER, H. | University of Zürich (Dissertation, 1989)

SCHMITT, A. | University of Vienna (Dissertation, 1988)

BRANDSTÄTTER, R. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 1987)

HUBER, R. | University of Salzburg (Diploma Thesis, 1985)

TEN THOREN, A. | University of Osnabrück (Diploma Thesis, 1985)

SCHINDLER, M. | University of Munich (Diploma Thesis, 1984)

TEN THOREN, B. | University of Osnabrück (Diploma Thesis, 1984)

SONTAG, W. A. | University of Mainz (Dissertation, 1983)

MARTYS, M. | University of Salzburg (Dissertation, 1982)

BACON, P. J. | University of Oxford (Dissertation, 1980)

WALTHER, C. | University of Hohenheim (Diploma Thesis, 1980)

RUMMEL, L. H. | University of Maryland (Diploma Thesis, 1979)

RUMMEL, L.H. | University of Maryland (Diploma Thesis, 1979)

SCOTT, D. K. | University of Cambridge (Dissertation, 1978)

BAKHUS,W. L. | University of Gorningen (Dissertation, 1977)

KIRCHMAYER, B. | University of Munich (Diploma Thesis, 1977)

SCHMIDT, W. | University of Düsseldorf (Dissertation, 1975)

MERGLER, M. A. L. | University of Ohio (Diploma Thesis, 1974)

SCHÄFER, S. | University of Giessen (Diploma Thesis, 1972)

BÖTTGER, H. | University of Munich (Diploma Thesis, 1971)

FEEKES, F. | University of Groningen (Dissertation, 1971)